Friday, August 17, 2007

New kitchen!

I'm so excited, I've been searching for a kitchen set for Claire and Cady online and at yard sales for the past month, and I stumbled across this cute one on my way home from the doctor today (I've got a sinus infection, no fun whatsoever). We picked it up for a great price and the girls adore it! :) It's everything I was hoping it would be. Oh, and one cute thing, notice all of the food on the ground next to the kitchen, Claire went and emptied out my cabinets to use our food in her kitchen while I was grabbing the camera. Needless to say, we made a run to Walmart today for her to get her own food to play with. :) Here's to much more fun indoors, and hopefully less requests to leave our house and go to the park. Wish me luck!


Emily Widdison said...

so much fun! i love that pretend play provides hours of entertainment! Your new house looks great! Don't forget to send me your new address!

Taralee said...

How fun! I LOVE toys because they keep my girls BUSY and that's always a big help to me :) Claires hair is soooo long and beautiful!! I had to laugh at these pictures and the outfits they're wearing. They totally remind me of my girls. One is in a summer outfit, shorter skirt with short sleeves, while the other is in a "wintery" outfit :) We have the same style goin' on at our house most of the time :) I just love the pictures Jean!!!!! And tell the girls that my girls said HI.

Natalie said...

Hey Bryce & Jean,
We finally started our own blog - great idea! Check us out
Hope you're having fun in Rochester! - Cory & Natalie

Annie Sunshine said...

cute girls...hope you post again soon. We love seeing pictures and hearing what you are up to.