Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recent Happenings

Hi guys! I've decided that I've been silent long enough. Despite the fact that I am still unable to upload pictures onto my computer, I wanted to say hi and share what we've been up to lately.

First and foremost, it snowed last week!!! I woke up on Thursday to a beautiful white yard. (I thought of saying wonderland, but the snow didn't stick on the roads or side walk). The girls and I unpacked our snowsuits, snow boots, hats, scarves, and mittens and tromped outside to relish in it. The first thing we did was to build a little snow man in our front yard.
Believe it or not, we never did build one last year. We tried but it was just too cold---the snow wouldn't pack. As far as snow men go, it was pretty unimpressive, leaves and brown snow showing through in places, but it was fun to make. I couldn't figure out how to make the raisins stay in place, I poked holes in the snow with my fingers and tried to jam them in, but they would just slide out. Anyone know what the trick is?
I'm sad to say that the snow melted by the afternoon, and we haven't had any since. I'm really hoping we'll get more soon, I'm looking forward to it now. We're supposed to get snow this weekend, so we'll see. Part of the reason I'm so excited about snow this year is because Bryce is home more! I have visions of us going sledding together and playing outside more. Last year it just got too cold too quickly. I remember that by the time I finally had Cady and Claire all bundled and we got outside, Cady would just stand there and wail because she was so cold. (We're talking negatives here). It was in the 20's Monday and Tuesday of this week.
We'll see if my excitement for the snow lasts, I'm sure I'll change my tune once I have to start shoveling my never ending driveway twice a day. :)

Other news...Claire and Cady are growing fast and sweet as ever. I love these girls! They are so bright and eager, quick to learn, and just plain adorable. Our favorite thing to do together is read. We've just started reading the book "Matilda" together, on Melanie's recommendation. I do enjoy Roald Dahl, he was one of my favorite authors when I was younger. I edit as I go though, I omit some of the more unpleasant adjectives he uses to describe some of the characters with. :) Got to shelter them while they are young!

I've started the love hate battle with Santa Claus already. I was running errands with the girls today and we were happily listening to a Disney Hits CD (yes, I said we---that's my favorite music!) and Claire randomly piped up from the back seat and said, "I love Santa more than Jesus." !!!! I take full responsibility for her saying that, obviously I've hyped up Santa too much. Although in my defense, I haven't done much hyping other than say, "Santa will bring you a present if you are a good listener (so stay in bed and don't leave your room again!!!)" and asked her what she wants this year. Well, after her announcement we immediately launched into a conversation about how Jesus' atonement is much better than any old present Santa could bring, and that in fact, Christmas is all about celebrating Christ's birth and Santa brings us presents just like the wise men brought Jesus some when he was a baby. I think she was a bit alarmed by my reaction to what she had said. She unwittingly set herself up to bear the full brunt of a mommy lecture. Oh dear. I'm really going to try to downplay Santa and truly spotlight the real reason for the season this year. :) Wish me luck!

Well, blogging time is up. My bed is calling my name. Hopefully, I'll be able to start posting pictures soon. Until then, I hope you all are doing well.


Annie Sunshine said...

Thanks for updating us...we have been wondering about you. I miss the snow like crazy...enjoy it for us. Do you have a snow blower yet, or is that shoveling by hand?

P.S. I think the reason you are not so cold this year is that you really do acclimatize (sp?) rather quickly. I am suprised how accustom I have gotten to the warmth here. I now say it is cold outside at 50 degrees.

Shelise said...

Im glad you updated again. I love reading blogs because you find out things you otherwise never would have known. Although I love my life, when I read about the fun things like snow... it makes me wish we lived somewhere else. lol. Have fun in it for me. Actually I really dont like the snow but sometimes it just seems so fun, especially around this time of year.

Hallenbergers said...

Great to finally hear from you! I was hoping for the "I am prego speach"...LOL j/k. I am glad you are enjoying the snow! It hasn't snowed here yet... Can't wait to see pictures!

Emily Widdison said...

down playing santa is hard. We took the approach of saying that Santa and Jesus are friends and that the reason Santa brings presents is because it is Christ's birthday...and Christ loves us so much that he WANTS Santa to share the presents with us. Then we only have Santa do the stocking and one big present...then mom and dad give 3 presents to each kid (representing the three gifts given to Christ by the 3 wise men)...anyways, that is what we do...just be creative! It is hard, especially when the neighbor boy tells my kids that they can just write whatever they want on a list and Santa will bring them everything!:) Ha! No He WON'T!:)
Hurry up and fix your computer, I need so see more pics of your cute girl. I canned apples with Julie the other day and we talked about you and wondered what you were up to! We both miss you and hope we get to have our reunion really soon! I didn't even realize that Alicia and Koren were here in Utah. So, you are the only one missing!!

Elizabeth said...

What a fun post. I love hearing about what is going on in your life. I agree that if it is cold, then it should be snowing.

Tracey said...

i love snow too, and at this time of year especially. nothing better than watching my kids out bundled and having a blast together. and i do wish you good luck with the way of santa. It will all work out and she'll understand the spirit of her mom and dads love for the season.

Julie said...

I loved this post! We need to get together soon!

Taralee said...

I've been out of it for a little while because we don't have the internet. Sometimes we get it and sometimes we don't. Anyway, it was good to hear what you've been up to! Thanks so much for not hanging up on me calling so late tonight. I really did try earlier, but I guess the number was wrong. We need to talk soon though and catch up on the little things. I heard a lot from my mom and dad when they got back from visiting, so that was fun to hear. We miss you guys!!!!