Thursday, October 4, 2007


Well, Bryce had no real reaction to his new name. :) I called him it and I got nothing, not even raised eyebrows. I think I'll resort back to calling him Bryce now. At any rate, today is Claire's birthday! She's three years old now. I bought her a little Cinderella Tea set and a Disney Princess cell phone. We're going to let her open it tonight, I think she'll love it! Now that she's three, we are telling her that she has got to start wearing clothes during the day. She's gotten into the bad habit of stripping down to her underwear whenever she feels hot. Taking after her father, she gets hot a lot! I didn't used to have a problem with her running around in her underwear at home, not until she announced that she was hot during sacrament meeting and then proceded to lift her dress above her head and try to take it off! We seriously had a battle of wills in the chapel, it was not pretty! So, this is my new big girl goal for her. :) Wish us luck!


Hallenbergers said...

Happy Birthday Claire!!! Three is great at any rate! Good luck with the clothes thing...luckily neither of my boys have done that...maybe this next one will!! LOL Who knows!
Miss you guys!


Hallenbergers said...

Happy Birthday Claire!!! Three is great at any rate! Good luck with the clothes thing...luckily neither of my boys have done that...maybe this next one will!! LOL Who knows!
Miss you guys!


familyof4 said...

Happy Birthday Day Claire! =0) Good luck with the clothes thing.

Annie Sunshine said...

Good luck! Three is when Lindsay started LOVING clothes, and now changes outfits a good 3 or 4 times a day. So maybe she'll grow into that stage and as you do laundry, you'll wish she still ran naked. :)

Anyway, hope she has a happy birthday and all goes well with the birthday princess party. Make sure you blog the pictures.

nelsonjeneen said...

Are you sure that the "stripping" of the clothes is from him> I think you probably did the stripping as a child. hehehehe:) Just kidding, Happy B-day Claire!
Jill and Troy

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