Friday, February 22, 2008

Funny Man Bryce're probably wondering what on earth is going on here. :) We got our new camera!! And of course, as soon as the girls were in bed I had to bust out the camera and try to figure out the cool tricks it can do. I discovered a really fun setting where if you hold down the button, it'll take multiple pictures back to back. Bryce was sitting next to me in bed, so he was the perfect person to test it out on. I turned over to him and started shooting, and he really got into the photo shoot! He just pulled these faces out of no-where. :D I don't think many of you have seen this side of Bryce before. Well, let me tell you, he's just full of it! One of the many reasons I love him...his photographic face. He's a natural on camera. ;)


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I just lol! Reminds me of what Bill would do!

Anonymous said...

My crazy son.

Annie Sunshine said...

I knew we named our Bryce the right name! It just fits.

Shelise said...

lol. Yep this is the Bryce I know. Hes such a goof. Very photogenic husband. Congratulations Jean. lol

Amber said...

Holy cow, that's a view of Bryce that I thought only I saw as he and I waited in the early mornings for our bus on Greenburg ave... Jeremy