Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Beware----addictive test!

78 words


This is a fun little challenge, but be careful! I have spent way too much time on this trying to improve my score.


Elizabeth said...

We obvously went to the same secretarial college--we type the same words per minute. Kindred spirits :-)

Taralee said...

I got 81 after a few tries, but the one I posted on my blog is something like 72 or 73. Yes, it's kinda fun :)

Shelise said...

Jean I love your blog background so much right now. Its so cute. So I am waiting for a post about the visit with my parents. I hope you took lots of pics. I want to see them. Oh and we got our wheat. 400lbs. woo hoo.

Shelise said...

Oh and your right, the test is addictive I just kept doing it over and over. haha

Anonymous said...

I got 78 too. Yahoo!