We have been positively spoiled. Bryce's parents came up to visit us the other week. Rhonda and Ronnow arrived Thursday afternoon and Ronnow stayed until Sunday and Rhonda stayed until the following Thursday. We had so much fun!! Unlike most of our trips, we didn't go around everywhere and sight see the whole time. :) Perhaps because we already saw most of the touristy things Rochester has to offer during their trip here this past fall.
At any rate, we spent a lot of time at home just relaxing and playing with the girls. Ronnow helped Bryce complete his garage, update our kitchen light fixtures, and build a shelf to mount our microwave over the stove top. I'm loving all of the upgrades in my kitchen!! We also bought a grill that weekend, and Ronnow cooked the best steaks ever! It was so fun to see the girls with their grandparents, they read lots of books together, roared at each other (mainly Cady and Grandpa, and went on walks and played on the swings.
While Rhonda was here we went to our favorite story time and then saw the Byron zoo. We also went to visit my friend's parents who are Amish. My friend left the Amish community 4 years ago, and she has been so patient answering all of my annoying questions about the Amish. I've learned a lot of interesting things. For example, would you believe that she's never even heard of Amish friendship bread?? And they hand wash all of their clothing and hang it out to dry on the line outside, even in the negative weather during the winter! Interesting things. At any rate, her mom makes hand sewn quilts so Rhonda got to visit with her and ask her quilting questions (she's very big into quilting). I loved getting to go inside the house and see what a real Amish family lives like. It was not as different as I had expected it to be. The only difference was there was no overhead lighting, the toilets consisted of a hole in a plywood bench and the waste gets pumped out twice a year into a big truck (it was just like a permanent portapotty), and the furniture was made of wood. The people were very friendly and they practically had their own built in petting zoo with all of the animals they were raising (pigs, goats, sheep, cows, horses). We had a great time.
The end of the trip came far too soon, I was sorry to see them go. There is just nothing better than having family around. We've been trying to sell them on Rochester so they'll move out here, but Ronnow said we'd have a better chance of doing that if we moved back to Oregon. Definitely a possibility. :)
I'm sorry that I don't have very many pictures. I carried my camera around everywhere with me that week, I just kept forgetting to get it out and take the pictures! Here are the few that I have from that wonderful week:
Claire was so excited the night before her grandparents came that she made up her bed all pretty to show them. She actually fell asleep on top of her covers because she didn't want to mess up her bed.
Cute pics. When we lived in Vegas my kids loved it when my parents came to visit they would have so much fun. It's great that Rhonda got to stay so long.
The Amish people sound interesting I would love to visit there someday.
Oh so cute! It was such a fun trip...it's always so hard to leave you guys. Thanks for a great time! We can't wait until July!!!!
Sounds like you have been busy!! I like the upgrades to your kitchen!!
Miss you!
I wish I had an in to the Amish lifestyle. What a fabulous reading chair you have, just perfect for two babies a grandma. I LOVE the picture of Rhonda in the backseat with the girls. Your girls look very much like siblings in that picture. The exact same beautifully rosy cheeks. I also loved the picture of Claire curled up on the top of her bed. How sweet is that. Thanks so much for updating your blog. Feel free to do it as often as you like :-)
Thanks for postig the pics. I looked at them last week but didnt have a second to leave a comment. I cant wait until we can come visit. The girls are so cute and the pic. of cady sleeping next to grandpa is priceless.
What a great visit. Cute pictures. It sounds like your coming this way in July? I was hoping to see your cute family at the reunion one of these years, but I'm sure that will happen if Bryce's schedule ever calms down. If you come to Southern Utah at all during your visit we would love to see your family.
I'M Danny Welburn. Born and raised inLasVegas. Ronnow was my YM president at one point. Obviously an awesome posterity. My older bro. Clint had a crush on Rhonda! Ronnow helped inspire me to go on a mission. Loved seeing your family pics.! Great to see the family loves the Lord as do the Welburns! 5 of my own 2 missionaries so far. Greetings to all of the Leavitts! We're near Monterey,CA.
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