So, I love my new grill, but wow, we've got issues with each other! I have attempted to use it a few times before, I've gotten okay with chicken, only slightly black around the edges. Today was my first attempt at hamburgers. In my defense, the package said to cook them on medium low heat for 5 minutes on each side. I followed it exactly, even set my timer in the kitchen so I'd know when to go out and flip them. I did think it was weird when I noticed all of the smoke coming out of the grill and saw flames when I opened it to flip them, but I decided not to do anything about it because I was following the directions. Well, 5 minutes later after flipping them, I got this.
I wish I was kidding about this and said I used some chocolate cookies for the picture or some black rocks but sadly, I can't. Bryce shook his head at me and gave me some sound advice. He said, "Jean, with grills, there are no recipes. You can't set a timer and walk away, you've got to be out there with it." It makes sense, and I think I'm going to take his instructions to heart. Ah well, you live and learn, right? Seriously, I should make a book out of the pictures of my dinners gone wrong.
Final Score: Grill:1 Jean:0
This is why I don't run the grill I don't have patience to stand therr and watch things cook. Usually I am trying to do to many things at the same time. Although I do like my steak/hamburger or whatever it is very well done.
So I let the boys do the grilling and I do the rest. It works out much better at our house, that way everything is not burned to a crisp. Keep trying though you just have to be patient and watch whatever you have cooking. Good luck!!
heres a little advice for your taking, only if you want it. We never cook anything on the bottom rack. we always use one of the top racks and cook it on low.
Thats funny though because they are seriously black. haha. Hey at least your trying, right?
I would've done the EXACT same thing! I'm all about setting timers and doing everything word-for-word from a recipe. I admit I looked at the picture first and thought you were going to talk about some cream filled chocolate cookie recipe you had done with your daughters. I love you!
In your defense Jean, I have to say you've probably had a lot of dinners gone bad, because you're daring enough to try new things and experiment and learn. That's SO funny though!!! Ya, those are pretty dang burnt :)
It was so fun being with you guys this last week!
Thanks for a good laugh. Since Bryce has such good advice and knows all about it I think you should make him the griller. :)
You are a riot! I love that you post about food gone wrong. If I did that it would probably be a daily post (well, Mon-Wed, since those are the only days I cook). So did you make them eat them like the bread gone bad?
Rhonda said what I was going to say about Bryce. Only my words would have been "Have at it, buddy!" You are much sweeter wife than I am ovbiously...probably why you will be happier and smarter in the long run. I just get my feelings hurt when Wade gives me unsolicited advice about my cooking.
I'm glad we're not the only family that has dinners such as yours!
The Stutelbergs
Bryce, is right!!! I have done the same to hot dogs, of all foods. You and I must think a like. Troy tells me all the time, you have to be right there and don't leave. I guess we weren't cut out to be "grillers".
I think if you had a babysitter watching your girls, you would be a perfect griller. the problem exists, as Mommies we multitask everything. Making dinner, cleaning the house, preparing a lesson and chasing kids, all at the same time :)
LOL THat happend to me with our grill. That is why we let the MEN DO IT! LOL Great Job DUDE!!
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